Research presentations
* 2021   Assessing the Linkages between AI Governance and International Trade Law (Poster), SIEL Conference, Milan
* 2021    AI Governance and International Trade Law: Friends or Foes?, The Internet Governance Lab Graduate Student  Research Symposium, online
* 2019    O Data, Where Art Thou?, WTO Public Forum, Geneva
* 2018    Facilitation 2.0 in RTAs: Enabling Trade in the Digital Age: the Case of Services, ICTSD, Geneva
* 2018    Digital Commerce and Data, CEPS, Brussels
* 2015    Investment Incentives and State-owned Enterprises, E15 Initiative, Geneva
* 2015    Learning by Not Doing: Subsidies Disciplines in Services Trade, E15 Initiative, Geneva
* 2014    SMEs: A GATS Perspective, EU-China Trade II, Beijing
* 2014    EU Legal Framework: E-Commerce and Data Protection Directives, EU-China Trade II, Beijing
* 2014    Data Protection in the EU: Implementation and Reform Discussion, EU-China Trade II, Beijing
* 2014    Cross-Border Supply of Services: Case Law, EU-China Trade II, Beijing

Other speaking engagements (invited)
* 2021    MSMEs Challenges in Meeting Regulations in Export Markets, ITC Webinar Series, online
* 2021    RCEP Chapter 11 – Intellectual Property Rights, RCEP Speed Dating, Online
* 2018    Scoping Out E-Commerce in the WTO, ICTSD Roundtable, Geneva
* 2017    LDCs and Domestic Regulation: Challenges and Opportunities, WTO Public Forum, Geneva
* 2016    Policy Challenges in the XXI Century: Enabling Start-up Innovation, WTO Public Forum, Geneva